Some people think that cloth diapering (CD) is hard...especially when you are out. I hope to de-bunk that myth right here. I have gotten my CD on the go skills down to an art and I will share with you some tips I have picked up so that you can completely eliminate disposables all together! Woo Hoo!
This is my favourite diaper bag (not completely packed so you can see inside). It holds EVERYTHING that I need for my trips out of the house. I keep a smaller bag in the car with a few essentials in case I will just be in and out of some place.
Below is a picture of almost everything I take with me to go out of the house.
I will list the items from top to bottom: plastic zipper bag, small wet bag, stain wipes, re-purposed travel wipes container for cloth wipes, diaper shell, diaper soakers, socks, burp rag, wash rags that expand when you wet them, CD safe butt balm, plastic bags for wet things or diapers, thermometer, outfit change, electric aspirator (highly recommended!), toy, anti-bacterial wipes, lip balm, pen, bubbles.
The only thing I normally have in there that was not shown is my wipe spray bottle (4 oz.) and whatever carrier for Sagan that I choose for the activity. The diaper bag holds all this plus my carrier. I also stick my wallet, keys, and sunglasses in here when we leave the car. Then there is only one bag. If I am only going to run in to some place I take a smaller bag with one shell and soaker, a few wipes, a small wet bag, and throw my wallet, keys, and phone in that bag. I keep this small bag in the car just in case I forget to pack the diaper bag too.
So, you definately don't need everything I put in my bag, but the wet bag and/or plastic bags are what is really essential for CD changes on the go. I simply put the wet/soiled diaper in my wet bag after a changing and leave the shell out in the bag to dry. We primarily use Gro Baby (now GroVia) diapers that are an all-in-two diaper, but the same concept applies to pockets or prefolds.
I've been out before and forgotten my wet bag. No big deal. Just wrap the dirty dipe in the shell and put in any bag you can get. I put the dirty cloth wipes in with the diaper and empty them into the diaper pail when we get home. Couldn't be easier.
What funny scenarios have you gotten into on the run with cloth diapers?
1 comment:
I've only recently started cd-ing and don't have enough yet to go completely cloth, so it's funny to start changing my son from a sposie to a cd or vise versa. Someone will ask me about cds and away we go. Thanks for starting this blog; it's really interesting to me and I LOVE the message behind it.
BTW, I win first subscription!
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